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243 lines
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#include <elf.h>
#include <promlib.h>
#include <printf.h>
void read(void *ptr, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint32_t base,
uint32_t offset);
* load a single ELF section into memory at address. Assumes ELF data is
* contiguous in memory.
* @param base location (in memory) of the ELF file
* @param address address at which the ELF section will be loaded
* @param file_offset offset (in bytes) in the ELF file where the section is
* @param length Length of the section (in bytes)
void load_elf32_section(uint32_t base, uint32_t address,
uint32_t file_offset, uint32_t length)
uint8_t *elf_loc = (uint8_t *)address;
printf("read(%08x, %08x, 1, %08x, %08x);\n",
address, length, base, file_offset);
read(elf_loc, length, 1, base, file_offset);
printf("Read %d bytes into memory at location %#8x.\n", length, address);
* Create an uninitialized data (.bss) region of memory.
* @param address Start address of this region
* @param lenght length of this region
void load_elf32_uninitialized_memory(uint32_t address, uint32_t length)
int i = 0;
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)address;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
p[i] = 0;
printf("Created uninitialized data section of %d bytes at %#8x.\n", i,
* Read data into a given pointer
* @param ptr Pointer to write data out to
* @param size Size of the data to be read
* @param count number of elements to read
* @param base base address to start read from
* @param offset offset from base to read from
void read(void *ptr, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint32_t base,
uint32_t offset)
uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)ptr;
uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)(base + offset);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size * count; i++) {
data[i] = src[i];
* Load an ELF file into memory from the given base. Loads at
* offset + image_size so that a later memcpy routine can be used to copy
* things into RAM and then kick off the boot process.
* @param base The address of the ELF file in memory
* @param loader_addr address of the loader binary in memory
* @return
int load_elf32_file(uint32_t base, uint32_t loader_addr)
struct elf32_header hdr;
uint32_t mem_sz = 0;
/* read in header entries */
read(&hdr, sizeof(struct elf32_header), 1, base, 0);
/* check the file magic */
if (hdr.ident[0] != ELF_MAGIC_1 || hdr.ident[1] != ELF_MAGIC_2 ||
hdr.ident[2] != ELF_MAGIC_3 || hdr.ident[3] != ELF_MAGIC_4)
printf("Bad ELF magic found. Found: %#2x %#2x %#2x %#2x.\n",
hdr.ident[0], hdr.ident[1], hdr.ident[2], hdr.ident[3]);
return -1;
/* check machine class: */
if (!(hdr.ident[ELF_INDEX_CLASS] == ELF_CLASS_32 ||
hdr.ident[ELF_INDEX_CLASS] == ELF_CLASS_64))
printf("Invalid ELF machine class found. Found: %2x.\n",
return -1;
/* check endianess: */
if (hdr.ident[ELF_INDEX_DATA] != ELF_DATA_MSB) {
printf("Non-big endian ELF file detected. Aborting load.\n");
return -1;
if (hdr.machine != ELF_MACH_MIPS || hdr.machine != ELF_MACH_MIPS_R4K_BE ||
hdr.machine != 0x1e)
printf("Warning: Unexpected machine type %#4x found.\n", hdr.machine);
if (hdr.ehsize != 52 /* bytes */) {
printf("Warning: ELF header greater than 52 bytes found. Found: %u\n",
if (hdr.shnum == 0) {
printf("Can't be zero section headers in a kernel image! Aborting.\n");
return -1;
int i;
struct elf32_phdr phdr;
uint32_t ph_offset = hdr.phoff;
/* read in program header(s), determine total memory size of image */
/* TODO: figure out if there's a better way to determine this */
for (i = 0; i < hdr.phnum; i++) {
read(&phdr, sizeof(struct elf32_phdr), 1, base, ph_offset);
mem_sz += phdr.memsz;
/*increment program header offset */
ph_offset += sizeof(struct elf32_phdr);
/* read the PT_LOAD segments into memory at paddr + mem_sz
ph_offset = hdr.phoff;
for (i = 0; i < hdr.phnum; i++) {
read(&phdr, sizeof(struct elf32_phdr), 1, base, ph_offset);
/* skip unloadable segments */
if (phdr.type != ELF_PT_LOAD) continue;
uint32_t leftover = phdr.memsz - phdr.filesz;
load_elf32_section(base, mem_sz + hdr.entry + phdr.paddr,
phdr.offset, phdr.filesz);
if (leftover > 0) {
load_elf32_uninitialized_memory(mem_sz + hdr.entry + phdr.paddr +
phdr.filesz, leftover);
/* assume the entry point is the smallest address we're loading */
uint32_t load_offset = mem_sz + hdr.entry;
printf("Loaded %d bytes at %08x.\n", mem_sz, load_offset);
/* struct elf32_section_header shdr; */
/* read in section headers, load sections */
#if 0
uint32_t sh_offset = hdr.shoff;
for (i = 0; i < hdr.shnum; i++) {
printf("reading: base: %08x, sh_offset: %08x\n", base, sh_offset);
read(&shdr, sizeof(struct elf32_section_header), 1, base, sh_offset);
printf("\n\nJust read section header %d\n", i);
printf("\tName: %u\n",;
printf("\tType: %#8x: %s\n", shdr.type, sh_type_to_string(shdr.type));
printf("\tFlags: %#8x\n", shdr.flags);
printf("\t\t%c%c%c\n", ELF_SHF_ALLOCD(shdr.flags) ? 'A' : '-',
ELF_SHF_WRITABLE(shdr.flags) ? 'w' : '-',
ELF_SHF_EXECUTABLE(shdr.flags) ? 'x' : '-');
printf("\tAddress: %#8x\n", shdr.addr);
printf("\tOffset: %u bytes\n", shdr.offset);
printf("\tSize: %u bytes\n", shdr.size);
printf("\tLink: %#8x\n",;
printf("\tAdditional Info: %#8x\n",;
printf("\tAddress Alignment: %#8x\n", shdr.addralign);
printf("\tPer-Entry Size: %u bytes\n\n", shdr.entsize);
if (!ELF_SHF_ALLOCD(shdr.flags)) {
sh_offset += sizeof(struct elf32_section_header);
printf("Param: base: %08x addr: %08x offset: %08x size: %08x\n",
base, shdr.addr, shdr.offset, shdr.size);
/* load section */
switch (shdr.type) {
case ELF_SHT_NULL: /* no data to be loaded */
/* zero out this data */
load_elf32_uninitialized_memory(shdr.addr + mem_sz,
/* program bits and such */
load_elf32_section(base, shdr.addr + mem_sz, shdr.offset,
printf("WARNING: Section type %08x cannot be loaded by "
"CiscoLoad.\n", shdr.type);
sh_offset += sizeof(struct elf32_section_header);
printf("Kicking into Linux.\n");
printf("bootcpy: %08x, kdataoffset: %08x, kdatalength: %08x\n",
loader_addr, load_offset, mem_sz);
printf("kentrypt: %08x, kloadoffset: %08x\n", hdr.entry, hdr.entry);
/* Jump to the copy routine */
asm (".set noreorder\n"
"move $k0, %[bootcpy]\n"
"move $a0, %[kdataoffset]\n"
"move $a1, %[kdatalength]\n"
"move $a2, %[kentrypt]\n"
"move $a3, %[kloadoffset]\n"
"jr $k0\n"
" nop\n"
: /* no outputs */
: [bootcpy] "r"(loader_addr), [kdataoffset] "r"(load_offset),
[kdatalength] "r"(mem_sz), [kentrypt]"r"(hdr.entry),
[kloadoffset] "r"(hdr.entry)
: "k0", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3"
return -1; /* something failed, badly */