@ -179,11 +179,12 @@ wings of the UrJTAG project at Sourceforge.
==== Supported host operating systems ====
JTAG Tools should run on all Unix like operating systems including MS Windows
with Cygwin installed.
with Cygwin installed. A precompiled version that runs on MS Windows without
Cygwin is available as a Windows installer executable.
==== Required software for running UrJTAG ====
Required only for MS Windows:
Required only for MS Windows, unless you use the precompiled version:
* current Cygwin net installation from http://cygwin.com[]
* ioperm package (a part of the standard Cygwin net installation)
@ -308,6 +309,32 @@ algorithm.
=== Compilation and installation ===
==== Installation of precompiled UrJTAG for Windows ====
By simply running UrJTAG-xxx.exe, the executable and data files will
be installed in your Windows program folder, usually some place like
C:\Program Files\UrJTAG. It comes ready with support for JTAG cables that are
directly attached to a parallel port. However, if you work with Windows Vista
and want access to the parallel port, a driver for it has to be installed
separately. It is available from
If you want to use UrJTAG with a JTAG cable attached to the USB port,
actual cable drivers have to be installed beside UrJTAG itself. Usually,
the cable vendor will provide the drivers. For example, drivers for
Altera USB-Blaster come with their Quartus software. For FTDI-based
cables, you need an INF file describing the cable and FTDIBUS.SYS and
FTD2XX.DLL from FTDI (CDM drivers). If your cable shows up in the device
manager without any warning sign, UrJTAG probably is able to talk to it.
Finally, UrJTAG additionally needs libusb-win32 to talk to some USB cables that
are not based on FTDI chips (Xilinx Platform Cable USB, Segger J-Link). The
so-called libusb-win32 filter driver is available from the project's download
page at Sourceforge:
==== Required software for compiling UrJTAG ====
To run autogen.sh, you need autoconf and automake, bison, and a recent flex.