@ -623,6 +623,36 @@ or:
==== Non-standard flash commands ====
Erasing and programming flash devices is covered by standard procedures
in UrJTAG. Apart from these, many flash chips implement a lot more
functionality via dedicated commands that vary from between manufacturers
and device families. UrJTAG can't cover them all natively.
It's however possible to send any command stream to the flash by using
the poke and peek commands. You just need to clarify two things:
1. base address of the flash (BA) +
it's the same that's used for detectflash
2. data width, x8 or x16 +
defined by the width of the bus where the flash is attached
Next look up the address/data pairs for the command in question. The data
sheet for your particular flash should document all commands in a table e.g.
If your flash is attached in x16 mode, the address must be shifted by one
position. Addresses in x8 mode are not affected.
The "Read Manufacturer ID" command in x16 mode would look like
poke BA+(0x555*2) 0xaa
poke BA+(0x2aa*2) 0x55
poke BA+(0x555*2) 0x90
peek BA+(0x000*2)
Note that the calculations must be done beforehand. UrJTAG can't evaluate
expressions on the command line.
=== JTAG commands ===
@ -956,21 +986,6 @@ through the SVF file, specify 'progress' at the svf command.
Several limitations exist for the SVF player.
It has been tested so far with files generated by these tools:
- Xilinx ISE WebPack 6.3.02i - 9.1.02i
- Altera Quartus II 4.1sp1 - 7.0
Configuration for these devices has been tested so far:
- Altera EPC1C12Q240
- Altera MAX3032, EPM3032ALC44
- Altera MAX3064, EPM3064ALC44
- Altera MAX7032, EPM7032SLC44
- Altera MAX7064, EPM7064SLC44, EPM7064STC44
- Xilinx Spartan-IIE, XC2S300E-PQ208
- Xilinx Spartan-3, XC3S1000-FG456, XC3S5000-FG900
The implementation of some SVF commands has deficiencies.
- HIR, HDR commands not supported. +